555 Difficult Bible Questions Answered

484. Are All Sins Pardonable?

Divine mercy extends to the uttermost. The invitation is that "whosoever will may come." The "un pardonable sin," which was frequently spoken of in the early days of the Church, is believed to have been attributing the works of the Holy Spirit to the powers of darkness. With this exception, there is nothing in the category of human offenses that is beyond the reach of divine forgiveness. "Although your sins be like scarlet, they shall be white as snow," is the ancient promise given by God to men; "though they be like crimson, they shall be as wool." This is not to be interpreted, however, as an encouragement to sin, but rather as an inducement to repentance. If the sinner truly repents, imploring God's forgiveness for Jesus' sake; if he accepts him as Saviour and endeavors, with divine help, to live thereafter a Christian life, he will not only be forgiven, but will be kept from falling back into sin. This is the teaching of the Gospel, and it is exemplified in innumerable cases today. We have many instances everywhere of great sinners who have forsaken their evil ways and who are now living the new life, sustained by divine power. "There's a wideness in God's mercy Like the wideness of the sea." We have the Saviour's distinct assurance, "Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out." There is no punishment for sins that are forgiven. "Jesus paid it all”